Dart Basics — The String escape character and multi-line Strings
Dart programming language. With Dart, you have the flexibility to use either single or double quotation marks to define strings. This makes it easier to work with strings and provides greater control over the output.
One common problem when working with strings is the use of special characters, such as the apostrophe (‘). To handle this, Dart provides the escape character (), which tells the compiler to treat the following character as part of the string, rather than a special character.
However, in some cases, the backslash () may also be treated as a special character. To overcome this issue, you can use two backslashes (\) or opt for raw strings (r’…’) which are treated as plain strings and are not processed for special characters.
In conclusion, the provided code serves as a perfect starting point for anyone looking to dive into the world of Dart strings and provides a clear understanding of how to handle special characters.
void main() {
// Using simple method
print("Oscar's father lives in London");
//! error
// print('Oscar's father lives in London");
//Using escape character - the right way
print('Oscar\'s father lives in London');
/* Here the '\' (backslash) character tells the dart compiler
that whatever follows will basically be part or string and not a
special character.
//another example
print('C:\windows\program\dart'); //output > C:windowsprogramdart
// here in the output it treat the '\' in string as escape character
// There are two solutions for this:
print('C:\\windows\\program\\dart'); //using two backslash
print(r'C:\windows\program\dart'); //using r for raw string now dart take it just as it is (the string)
The Dart programming language provides more several escape characters to help you control the output of your strings. One such escape character is the tab (\t) character, which inserts a tab space in the string. This can be useful for formatting purposes, such as aligning text in columns.
Another escape character is the newline (\n) character, which inserts a line break in the string. This is useful for breaking up long strings into multiple lines and making the text more readable.
In addition to \t and \n, Dart also supports several other escape characters, such as the double quote (“) character, the backslash (\) character, and the carriage return (\r) character. These escape characters can be used to add special characters to your strings and format the text as desired.
Overall, the use of escape characters in Dart strings provides greater control over the output and allows you to format text in a way that makes it more readable and aesthetically pleasing.
void main() {
// Use of \t escape character
String tabbedText = 'Column 1\tColumn 2\tColumn 3';
// Output: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
// Use of \n escape character
String multiLineText = 'Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3';
/* Output:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
// Use of \ escape character
String escapedText = 'It\'s a beautiful day';
// Output: It's a beautiful day
// Use of \ escape character in raw strings
String rawText = r'C:\Windows\Programs\Dart';
// Output: C:\Windows\Programs\Dart
// Use of multiple escape characters
String mixedText = 'Line 1\nLine 2\tIndented\nLine 3';
/* Output:
Line 1
Line 2 Indented
Line 3
In the above code, you can see how the \t
escape character is used to insert a tab space in the text, while the \n
escape character is used to insert a line break. The \
escape character is used to escape special characters, such as the apostrophe in It's a beautiful day
. Raw strings, denoted by the r
prefix, are treated as plain strings and are not processed for special characters. Finally, the code demonstrates how multiple escape characters can be used in a single string to format the text as desired.
In conclusion, escape characters play a vital role in formatting and representing special characters in Dart strings. With the use of escape characters such as \t
, \n
, and \
, Dart developers can create well-formatted and readable strings that make it easier to understand the content of the strings. In this article, we explored the use of escape characters and demonstrated how they can be used in Dart code through examples. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Dart developer, understanding and using escape characters is essential for creating high-quality and readable Dart applications.